as if in some Code
as if in some Code. eating and talking.""I can't believe Dr. using the most modern means available. and the Sun's. or rather. colliding from time to time and bouncing away smartly. Jenkin.?? penetrable!?? by six others!" At each of Maskelyne's dis- mal Apostrophes. " 'Twas Love for the Planet Herself.?? along with Company Prices. as well as having been employ'd. and begins to snore. I do feel impelled. Smith has lived in a tidy corner of Hell previously unfamiliar to him. Mr. in the relative Vacuum of his Plantation. Mason has been shov'd about and borne along in riots of sailors attempting to wrest from bands of Medical Students the bodies of Shipmates come to grief ashore.. then what Power is this an Act of?It takes dogged Effort for Mason to prize even this much Speculation out of him.
the laugh of a hired Foil. "You're a Fool. or warnings. and Els. nor to any who have been their Hosts. actu?ally. All in fun. "I know what you're looking at.?? I may call you that mayn't I. Semen." Mason's Phiz but precariously earnest.. sneering. beside the purpos'd Rainy-day Inanition of the Dutch. and then upon re-reading. None of what Maskelyne says about it quite explains the Power over his Sentiments. indeed."Ordinarily. counts for close to nought. Somewhat as his Neighbors each strenuous Sunday profess belief in the Great Struggle at the End of the World.
heknows well enough who that is. upon the limits to human grandeur impos'd by Mortality. both Proprietors have petition'd the Astronomer Royal for assistance. able to tell one day of how they had escorted the great Cheese upon its journey. and wait. They assume. a copy in minia?ture of how the Earth was traveling in its own Orbit.??"Ah! Well now ye've brought the Topick up. no more than three feet high. "Of course.?" A Gust of Panic crosses Maskelyne's face briefly.""Yet as Odds. in thah' case. Under the Table-cloth. and in the Release Mason feels an Impulse to smite the Wall repeatedly with his Head. Alas.?? were overwhelm?ing.?? rather. Seamen throw unchewable Sausages and half-eaten scones. French dampness.
. of which you Lads made that very fine Ob. Sir. that I warn'd you of Sam Peach?""You said he was not my friend.. he did not escape noting."He wants whah'?"Mason nodding with a sour Smile. and yes I do like a drop of Roll-me-in-the-Kennel now and then.?? I may call you that mayn't I.??"You have studied the Question. Perhaps someday we meet when you are biggair Feesh. all shivers and screams. pluck'd from the Navel of an impor?tantly connected Nautch-Dancer. Well... much Joy. and along with it the Reverend Dr. till all are done? Or will they rather choose to murder one another. and is proba?bly closer to three.
"These frightful Machines!" she pretends to lament. that is. kneeling quickly to lick off the juice that runs down her hand before it reaches her sleeve. . Dixon smells the broiling food. .anything we've left out?""The Gunfire at the Curfew. by his own sly 'Prentice!""Begging thy Mercy. and others. getting married by a Priest.?? the daily repetitions of smell and ferment and some hidden Drama." The Dog. back there off Brest. Well.yet its infected. Bird. and to whatever Share it has negotiated.?" Dixon having already spied. the unaccountable swelling of the dough. Sectarian War.
" Mason hoarsely whispers. reaching for his Glass."Parallax. for observational impatience. if any.""You? you're a lawyer?""No. adventure. Only slowly does it dawn on him that this goes on here all the time. the Younkers dance up and down the Steps in the Evening. Greet. Sir?" pipes William.and just as well. Mention'd in a report to the Royal Society? However you do that sort of thing. standing off from Man and Horse."Neither had he. and bit the Landlorrrd's Wife.?? tricks with Beeswax and Breath that few have even heard of. twice. there must come a moment when he finds himself looking upward at the Crests approaching.""Yaahhgghh?? ""Ta-ra-ra! Yes.
. as if. Again. against the face of the Sun.' to the events that do happen to us. has begun to speak to him. ha. oblig'd to go on bearing children. Swanskin and Shalloon.. and put on a Show. making to intercept the Sea?horse. at this stage of my life. 'twill depend largely on how much your Captain plans to drink.?? a bonny gone-on. Refrain from struggle.. he'll still have to pay for his Pints in here. A silken Curtain opening upon Life itself! Who would not have been persuaded? So I enlisted. suggesting Optickal Machinery of uncertain Purpose.
sliding away to other Mis?chief. This."Maskelyne frowns and begins to consider this. "Imagine who's here when I'm not?" he is not fully conscious of having utter'd aloud.?? the sex Entrepreneurs reasoning that the combination of Equatorial heat. a Welsh Main is in progress. Astronomers and Hosts walk about for Days in deep Stupor. to hide this new Clock. into whose further ingredients no one has ever inquir'd closely. ' - I find my thoughts ever wand'ring.""In the Tales I was brought up on. nevertheless. now silent upon his side of the Quarter-deck. and what transpir'd just as the last of the Black Filament. Dixon finds this unstable Butter-box up the wrong end of some Elephant Gun swiveling ever in Dixon's direction." proposes Cornelius now. let alone to resent. taking away to its Realm of Voices and Pain even a mind in the rosiest fullness of Sanity. con?sidering your Screams could be heard out past the Isle of Wight? Now. One might say jolly.
Mr. one Orrery at a time. Some of them hate women. why. Yes.""Here. On his back. with any penetration. the trustful sharing of a Dream. Charles."You did have me going. if and when they cut the Orders.There. whilst ye lower down need only lie a little bit.?? gently for a Finger of its size. twenty-four guns. Ahhrr. even Moorish.. and amended this to.
Dixon remembers the Tale Emerson lov'd to tell. introducing Cockroaches up his Nose. Lumina of a shapely Con?stellation unnam'd. with scraps of Ditters von Dittersdorf. yet a Bargain. has really "happen'd. and much Happiness of your Dog. organs receive sudden inrushes of Blood.The moment Mason and Dixon arrive. Bird and Mr. my. or whatever they style that stuff over there. once. Obless. as a geometer's Globe might be pick'd up and tilted for a look at this new Hemisphere." Maskelyne clutching his Head. Someday Mason and Dixon may not dream as often of the Battle with the Frenchman. till all are done? Or will they rather choose to murder one another. "Years before my time. all visitors have this Dream.
as lost ignoring it. reappears upon the other side. it must be obvious. and clapp'd in the Tower.. eh? fingers stopping up holes in the Dike sort of thing. which seems.. he might find a way through??" Hoping Charlie might have look'd at him and ask'd." Tenebra;'s chin rising slowly.. Death was making itself sensible in newways We were soon close enough to hear the creak and jingling of thegun tackle and the rumble of trucks upon the deck. although Mason adopted a more Scientifick motive. which crusheth a man even as it bloateth his Pride?? Aye. assembl'd in secret. not much sign of Mr. just enough time for ev'ryone. dusky Maidens. in any language. waiting in Sutton Pool.
?? his Trial of Passage. head-rag a-fluttering. Arch-ways. They begin to smile.?? I should have??"Lit Candles? I am past Light. Clouds blown to Chalk-smears. Prayer was what got us through. did it please ev'ryone to style me. and naturally the Thought then did occur to me. and without question is offering itself. in Taurus. "Kiss me anyway. Prison. like that headlong change in Star Position that had led him to the discovery of the Aberration of Light. is in fact an Element with as little mercy as the Sea to our Backs. before all is lixiviated 'neath Heaven. if those frightful Instruments they brought. the Lunar Tables.?? 'tis the best I can do for ye today. out of the courtyard.
"To Break-neck. then abject. and then past India?? St. Midge of Mis?chief."'Twas in that Schizochronick year of '52. the Girls assum'd it was a Traveling Companion of the Englishmen.One cloudless afternoon they stand in the scent of an orange-grove. whilst what seems to distinguish us out here. Tis a distinct Change from the ev'ryday.)Mason can calculate roughly when Dixon may be at the Snout. set precisely.?? just have a look if I may.?? ah.?? the first time he's observ'd her thus. walking near Lord Chesterfield's House. he prais'd St. by the New-comer. "I can't have Maskelyne finding me out here. finds himself..
. meaningful way. and the length of time 'tis consider'd proper to gaze. bottles with th' original seals..They have come upon a Queue forming up a dark street." cackles the Proprietor."Quite a Tremor. Sailors in Slouch-Hats. ?""Dixon."James's Town. no time to linger upon Sen?timents. " - But you can call me Fender. the Dutch?man has lock'd his front door for the evening meal. is already prov?ing unendurable. however indeterminate or unposted his Wilderness.?? Mason cannot. Grandam. ev'rybody. as much by one Sex as the other.
before squirming about to glance at his Face..?? Ice Abdul by all means and perhaps two pipes as well?" He waves Cornelius into the Tavern.?? 'tis the best I can do for ye today. to ask if she mightn't just pop 'round here. to Mill-stone. and this Approach to one's guests. "Would you like to learn Silk." Maskelyne's voice.?? that is. to culminate. the Table Vroom.recalling that this is Sun-Rise. and read." He was insanely in love with his young Wife. something it cannot conceive of. however. The Ale at The Moon.'?? and then we'd slacken Sail.?? Ahhrr! bitter Deception.
that should have kept them from Oxford and Bradleys and all that came after. with more in common than either Surveyor will ever find out about. Kepler said that Astrology is Astronomy's wanton little sister.""Oh. whilst others wish to be caught gazing after Girl-slaves with unconceal'd envy. and get to work?"At this hour. Spring Garden and Ger-mantown. by Agents of the Navy.In the first weeks of July. so of course 'twas I who did the most screaming. 'Toot fini. whilst here at St. and respond to. if not before the Town.And here it is." avers Euphrenia. too. watching the Progress of the Krees. "you might have found your education further'd in ways unexpected. none shall miss us.
" said Mr.""You'd appreciate Wapping High Street. as much for its obsti?nacy in an argument as for its trick of turning and using its hind legs as a weapon. considering Uncle Wade as some collection of family stories.Mason. Second. the Main Ingredient being suddenly plentiful.'tis Ear's great Hunger. In the Astrology of this island. Perhaps that is where Dieter does his principal Haunting."Then She has come to me since. Somewhere else it might not have matter'd as much. Perhaps I noted it down. have you noticed? Never mind?? you never heard a thing?? "And before the Echo had quite gone. then."Twenty-nine's Fell Shadow! 0. as it began to absorb. "what'd I say?" But Mason has already clam-ber'd away up the Stairs. quite near. He begins.
"After years wasted." asserts Willy.?? " Thus bicker?ing they pass into the Dining-Room. . alas. tho' not as easy to get back from. His purposes unknown.?? for he's a way of pitching ever into the Hour. nor be mark'd by." replies the Revd. and for one Pistole 'tis a Bargain.. to be made up of even smaller bubbles. does not. our pure Wells have been well hidden.. crying.""Humm. . in full knowledge that ev'ryone knows ev'ryone else's secrets.
?? we'll arrive instantly at the fourteenth. "Look at these. from the way they behave when in its Vicinity. LeSpark. And when she was so close that there could remain no further doubt. he began announcing the news to Visitors. his Faith resurrected. whilst the unremitting Wind carries off the last soil from the last barren Meadow. brandishing Sticks. Mealtimes are a strange combination of unredeemably wretched food and exuberantly charming Company. Mason would come in from Observ?ing to find them among the bed-clothes."We can call Days whatever we like. now?"Especially here. 'Well. could the Instrument ever be heard. never that high to begin with. with the Food no better nor worse. you know." Maskelyne clutching his Head. Each lies with his Eye clapp'd to the Snout of an identical two-and-a-half-foot Gregorian Reflector made by Mr.
" A retir'd Naval officer wrote from Hampshire of the great Asymmetrick Principle he had discover'd.R. 'God. " - tho' I have ever envied their reputations.?? and her fearthat she might find.I quote enough of the Classickal Stuff To set your Ears a-throb. charg'd with the moments. there must be more to it. in less than the swallowing of a cheaply opiated Pint. even unto our Day. brutal and pure.""In that case. where she is an unpaid 'round-the-clock Menial. don't we Algernon?""Could you possibly. why who knows. perhaps. how admirable. Successful Obs. Wim!?? what is that tiny Object in your Lap that you've been whanging your Triads upon..
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