Friday, May 3, 2013

It’s among the blackest of pre-code black

 It’s among the blackest of pre-code black comedies (the film ends with a double suicide), and Karloff’s sinister supporting role gave a strong hint of what was to come. In Mad Monster Party, Karloff plays Baron Boris von Frankenstein, voicing a puppet that looks just like, well, Boris Karloff.’Edgerton (of Bankstown, NSW, far removed from posh) has grasped the differences between old money and new wealth.It’s still a brilliant, childlike, silent performance, and given how cliched a cultural icon the film has become it’s easy to forget how very good it really is.’Edgerton must project both – as well as the faintest hint of a heart – in the role of a hard-muscled, flinty, white supremacist whose other girl is Myrtle Wilson (played by a fellow-Australian, Isla Fisher), the blousy bride of a garage mechanic. If that extra income requires robbing a few graves or killing a few blind peasant girls well, what’re you gonna do?In many ways reprising his Vernon Isopod role from Five Star Final, Karloff can turn on the dirty, sleazy charm if need be, then instantly slide into cold menace when he doesn’t get what he wants. It’s a shame that Whitman didn’t live to read the book, because he would have been fascinated by the result of Stoker’s creativity. (I also wore a one-piece with shorts for my next stunt, thus still staying true to the contract. So, Corman offered his assistant Peter Bogdanovich a chance to direct his first picture. Consider a beach destination wedding in northern California, Massachusetts (Crane Beach) or tropical Hawaii. They don't get star-studded, inspiring ads the way your sneakers do. An eco-chic wedding allows the bridal couple to share their special day with friends and family while making a positive impact on the planet. The shorts were teamed with the singer’s favorite flesh-colored fishnet tights. “We basically took [them] apart and put [them] back together. There’s an exquisite bejewelled brace of feathers on a plaster-pink ribbon.

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